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At least in the US market there isn't a single category of a thing in any walmart that you can only buy exclusively at walmart. If this was their strategy they would still be price cutting.

There are a lot of companies that produce what amounts to the "Walmart line" - basically a cheap version of their normal products. Sure, their products are sold elsewhere, but never for as cheap as Walmart.

Plus, Walmart has pretty terrible payment terms. Suppliers hand over the product, and maybe Walmart pays them for it in a year.

Walmart is too large to ignore, but too cut-throat to survive exclusively on.

But Walmart isn't the only company like this. The entire domestic auto industry operates like this (supplier costs are known to the fraction of a cent, and manufactures know exactly what margin to give in order to keep them around, but just barely), as is Apple.

right, my point isn't that they aren't cheap or cheaper. My point is that if the strategy of price cutting until you have zero competition even works, walmart isn't employing such a tactic because everything they sell has alternatives at some other store, which means they have not price cut to the point of eliminating competition.

Walmart pays low wages and doesn't have high margins.

How cheap are we expecting things to be?

How? There is a competitive market in China itself; more than one provider, no?

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