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Arwes: Futuristic Sci-Fi UI Web Framework (github.com/arwes)
414 points by klaussilveira on June 23, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 111 comments

I'm building my personal website[1] also inspired by FUI design systems. I don't think usability is an issue at all, at least with the design approach I've taken. They're just React components which you could easily feed real data. The visualizations and animations are more difficult to replicate.

[1] https://x7ci.engineer/

Very cool, reminds me of 2advanced.com - a very slick flash website from 2001 that now only exists in a museum.


It's amusing that something "futuristic" and "sci-fi like" has connections to the year 2001 and is now in a museum of the past.

Thank you for the memory of 2adv. I spent a significant amount of time in high school reverse engineering their SWF file to understand how to do animations like that in flash.

Very cool, but distracting that the very first top left attention grabbing glyph is an unrelated company's logo https://polygon.technology/

Love the fade-in animations. Really awesome.

The only problem I have (on laptop) is the font combined with the text size (10pt) on the blog is a bit on the smaller side. I recommend bumping up the font of the body to at least 14pt to increase readability for most screens.

Appreciate the feedback. I'll try to improve readability.

This is so sick. Blows Arwes out of the water.

I love this.

Arwes is about 20% too over the top for me or I would really be tempted to build something in it.

But the style ofyour site is almost exactly what I want. Are you open sourcing your component library/styling by any chance? Also, what does 'FUI' mean in this context?

Very impressive, and works well on mobile (iOS). Congrats and thanks for sharing.

wow, that is really cool! are you using a UI library or are these custom built?

They're all custom built (except for the ECharts component). Thanks!

Maybe you can make a UI library out of it too!

I really like this, thanks for sharing.

this is beautiful, congrats and thank you for sharing


Why? React’s component model can be an excellent abstraction for building a “normal website”—or rather, its component parts—for developers who prefer it. React can compile to static HTML, without running any JS client side, and/or can be used to mount or hydrate arbitrary subtrees however one sees fit. (I’d probably favor Preact or Solid for the latter, but React is a perfectly cromulent choice)

Or just be a sane person and use HTML, CSS, and templates, and sprinkle some HTMX on top for interactivity.

What is the sane person’s templates?

React can be used without JS or by hydrating subtrees but those are very uncommon. It’s certainly not React’s “happy path”.

Rendering to static HTML is actually pretty common. Admittedly, hydrating subtrees is fairly uncommon (at least where the full tree is also rendered by React server-side), but it’s well within the “happy path” and both patterns have been heavily promoted by React from very early on.

What’s not within the “happy path” is automating any sort of partial hydration process, which is unfortunate, but it seems pretty likely RSC is going to subsume that use case for most anyone trying to solve it with React.

Literally just a single API call: renderToString


Yes, I’m very aware, but renderToString is designed for later client side hydration.

To make your point you would have wanted to cite renderToStaticMarkup, but tellingly no-one ever does.

What would be the right tool for an entertaining highly interactive and animated (game-like, but still mostly text based) thing then? Used to be Java applets and Flash. Now is "webapps" and WebGL.

Or is that it should have been handrolled using CSS animations and framework-less JS?

Or is it more that we're acting like it's 1995 and the web is for reading text documents only, and anything other than that is nerd blasphemy? (Not saying you're saying this, but it is something some still press; they hate the web stack being used in other ways).


I’m a ~25 year web development veteran who has grown to absolutely hate CSS for building any remotely complex UI.

did you even look at their site? the last thing i would call it is a "normal website"

This is what early internet thought "the future" looks like for the web. I am wondering why there isn't design diversity (not using the sociological meaning of the word here) for forward-looking web technologies? Somehow the conversation typically centers around AR/VR or inserting crypto into everything. VisionOS is stereotypically "clean and modern". Web design in general seems so derivative and uninspired, which is strange given that a web page is the main point of interaction for most people.

When flat design started to become a thing I was very excited. It was beautiful. But then EVERYTHING became flat and now I’m extremely bored.

Just recently I started using reddit and stumbled upon the old version of the site. Look at this subreddit, it’s absolutely gorgeous and goes very well with the theme of the discussions:


If we were speculating what UIs will look like in the future and came up with something good, why wouldn't we just do them right now? As soon as you do it's inherently no longer "the future."

UI isn’t just a theme. I can imagine a lot of different UI paradigms that either aren’t possible today or just aren’t practically feasible given development constraints.


Minority Report and iron man I are the classic examples, IMO. Interactive holograms, 3D immersion, etc. can’t wait for this era!! Coming soon, it seems (with the “giant heavy headset” caveat)

Unfortunately, it turns out that waving your hands in the air for long periods of time is exhausting. UIs that look great in movies sometimes aren't practical in real life.


I think the Minority Report ui is technically possible but you might need an OS level rewrite to handle it, Iron Man is pretty much regular sized light headset although with voice activated controls that work!

Just need web-commected holo-projectors

A lot of alternative visual designs run into problems with the technical realities of modern UI tooling. I'm going to talk about web tech, but Android layout works largely the same, last I checked (one trillion years ago, to be fair).

The futuristic UI look that Arwes is doing comes with a whole lot of animation, which is very cumbersome on the web. The CSS transition property is good, but it works on a very narrow range of properties, and anything involving inserting/deleting/adding elements needs a whole song and dance to trigger the animation then go clean it up when it's done. You can do it, but it's a whole lot of extra work.

Most other stylized looks involve big chonky stylized borders and background graphics. But we generally want the same style to work on mobile, and the chonkier your borders, the harder it is to cram it into reduced space. (Also CSS still doesn't have native 9-patches for some absurd reason. It used to be how everything was done, until the world agreed to stop abusing tables.)

Meanwhile the modern flat look is easy to implement in CSS and doesn't have any trouble scaling down to mobile. And it's still a good enough look, it'd even be kind of striking if it wasn't ubiquitous.

> I am wondering why there isn't design diversity

Because it doesn't serve much practical purpose. Uniquely designed websites take much more effort (and cash for companies) to create, and they look cool, but they are much harder to use for the average user

It's fine for things like advertisements - I've never gone the website for a movie but I imagine this is what those websites should try to be. Is it worth the effort?

If you're trying to make a website people use it's not worth it

much harder to use for the average user

Games use sci-fi looking interfaces all the time and ime they're significantly more intuitive than most business software.

I don't think the sci-fi looking part is helping that though.

> This is what early internet thought "the future" looks like for the web

And years later we got mobile-style interfaces and designs that are present on almost every device we interact with. Big elements where sometimes it's impossible to tell the state or even distinguish link from informative text - things which are often utilized in dark patterns tactics

Arwes feels pretty well done but rather from a period somewhere between 2005 and 2012, rather than "the future" but it is ofc done in a futuristic style

Flash died and there wasn't much of a replacement tool. Timeline oriented vector graphics are great for designers but hard to do well with raw HTML.

> Web design in general seems so derivative and uninspired

The people paid to make websites have instructions to build them for the broadest audience possible. Websites are commodities first. You wouldn't expect a pamphlet at the doctor's office to have a particularly avant-garde design.

Now that doesn't mean that we can't have more design variety for websites. But unfortunately, websites are not seen in the same way as other forms of art like video games or movies, where veering from the norm is encouraged. Additionally, the death of Flash and GUI-based web tooling in general means that the people capable of building complex designs like this have formal training in writing code. And people like that usually are not building sites for novelty use cases.

There is design diversity, but you're just not going to find it on mainstream sites or apps because they're catering to the everyman. When that occurs, you're tossing away novelty for a sense of expectation.

Much in the same way you can find a variety of art but the majority that gets attention are hyper-realistic works. It's just easier to understand for the everyman.

The future looks there comes in dark aqua tones and chirping noises when information scrolls up and down. The effort reminds me of Star Treks LCARS https://www.thelcars.com where orange blue and purple are prominent and is all touch screen. The future can be very distracting.

Windows 8 and Windows Mobile embraced this aesthetic, and I thought it the best mainstream UI we've gotten since the 32-bit era. Everything resolves back to a straight edge, because computer screens are largely square, not round. Every object has a bold, flat color so you can easily and immediately identify it. And the background is matte black. None more black. Windows Mobile on an AMOLED display was a thing of beauty. It's too bad the design regressed in Windows 10 before proper dark mode was released for desktop, because by the time we finally got the clean backgrounds that would really make stuff pop outside the start menu, they'd already ruined the whole UI (including the start menu).

Of course this latest Windows feels like Microsoft designers have fallen completely into Mac OS X redux, which to me makes computers look like some kind of ridiculous hand-carved artifact from antiquity instead of the modern, practical tools they are. Alas, what could have been.

But it looks so pretty on camera

2advanced Studios was always my favorite, especially


I remember Eric Jordan, the man behind it all, mentioned in an interview that the key was to make the animations flow with a rhythm.

Thank you for this walk down memory lane—2advanced was a huge inspiration for me when I started web design and learning flash, but I couldn't remember the name of the site until now. Their 2003 design is burned into my memory.

This is the first thing I thought of when I saw this! I began learning how to build websites during this era and was always in awe of their work.

Yes! 2advanced served as an inspiration. I remember surfing it in awe of what was possible to do.

The quirkiness of the web has been somewhat lost. However, I do wonder whether that is just a factor of its expansion and whether somewhere in the depths it still lurks, waiting to be uncovered.

Thank you! This brought back memories, I never thought I'd come across that UI again

I’m glad that they include pictures of apps that have been made with it. I would appreciate it if there were more sample pictures, but at least there is something included.

Too many GUI and other graphical projects fail to include any images or screenshots, which is poor marketing.

They actually have a site with a playground (linked from the Github page) - https://playground.arwes.dev/

This should apply to all products. Have a framework or a library? Show me some examples, use cases, demos of what it can do and how it does it.

Reason: They don't want to be usable by users (yet).

I clicked straight on the first example of a real website that uses it, and, surprisingly, I really like it: https://soulextract.com

Normally I'm a "no nonsense" kind of guy for the web, actually preferring plain text as much as possible, but for creative/artistic stuff, it's different. It reminds me a bit of the extravagant flash sites of the early 2000s. Playful, and all the whimsy is part of it.

I even like the sounds this website makes. You'd think it would be cheese, but here it just works?

I actually listen to Soul Extract regularly now after finding it through this UI library!

Futuristic UIs peaked decades ago:




I really wish we had more interesting and functional examples nowadays - the web is bloated anyway, why not make more elaborate use of that bloat? Here's another example, albeit just a singular art project:


Still, it requires taste and an eye for design, and balancing all the maximalist elements makes it especially hard to nail.

A bit unfair to compare a new framework with websites made in Flash decades ago... nothing can compete against Flash websites.

There's still no replacement for the specific thing Flash did. I get that Flash itself sucked (the power use...) but it's really damn sad we simply lost what it could do. I'd have thought we'd have a replacement by now, but no.

Incidentally, last I checked, no replacement for the marquee tag, either. That tag had a lot of features, in fact, and when I looked a couple years back there seemed to be zero projects that could actually replace it completely. A bunch of things that used to be very easy to accomplish, using that tag, now aren't. (now, maybe none of those things should ever be done, I suppose, so perhaps it doesn't matter)

Flash never sucked or had power use issues. Maybe Mac users had a sub par experience.

Mobile first was the issue. Adobe bought it and blundered about, they could still resurrect the thing but have no vision.

> Flash never sucked or had power use issues. Maybe Mac users had a sub par experience.

Linux and Windows. Yes, it ate power like it was free.

I'd love stats on that. I never had a machine slowdown because of it.

What people forget is that web browsing in general sucked on the earliest mobile devices. Remember the mosaic tiling Safari would show if you tried to scroll the page faster than the browser could render it?

Taking that into consideration, Flash worked pretty damn well on Android. It wasn't doomed because of its mobile inefficiency. It was doomed because both Apple and Android knew that they could never convince developers to build for their 30% tax walled gardens if Flash remained a fee-free alternative on the open web.

Yup, building an interactive website in Flash and then being told to do it with "HTML5/CSS3" is like going from a laser rifle to a musket and gunpowder.

On all of those but especially the second two you can really see the influence The Designers Republic had on pop culture and graphic design in the late 90s and early 00’s.

Yup — as someone who grew up with Wipeout and lots of d&b/electronica album art, these are giving me strong nostalgia pangs.

His website is also very interesting: https://porterrobinson.com/

Futuristic design is ironically very retro

Unusability peak IMO.

It's funny how this still feels "futuristic". I'd argue sci-fi, or retro-punk (retro-sci-fi?). The elements of design are those from the past about the future, like 80s sci-fi movie design/tropes that became stuck with the genre, along with beige CRT monitors and large floppy disks.

Yeah, the funniest thing is that this adds latency to elements appearing as a stylistic choice.

This is a stylistic callback to slower systems, like BBS on a slow connection, or UIs on a slow computer.

It's also just good UX. A lot of the web today ignores browser defaults, so when you click on a link, there is no visual indicator that you clicked it, like a link color change.

We just don't notice/care because the page usually loads quickly enough.

yeah it's interesting how the visual cues for what would give people the impression of something being futuristic have mostly settled into certain styles even as we move forward in time. what could be the possible reasons for this?

A lot of it is driven by media (movies, games), and falling back to a known style is easier than coming up with something new, which reinforces the style. Whereas if someone comes up with a new flavor, it might not even read to the audience as "futuristic", even if more thought went into it. And coming up with something that's not just a skin on tranditional designs is really hard!

could one argue AR designs should be considered more futuristic?

Fake movie UI also is not driven by the same concerns as real-world UI. It's usually much more a flashy center-piece and then just stuff around it that doesn't need to mean anything, because it's not actually intended to be read like a real UI is.

"Retro-future" is a common term for it, at least in certain blogs and forums.


Seems to be desktop only :(

The app has the same feel though https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shakey.nya...

I yearn for a frosted UI which has chilly condensation which shifts around the edges. Something from TRON but mixed with John Carpenter's 'Thing' vibe which white, blue & other nordic colors.

That sounds amazing. I wonder what the closest thing to that available today is.

The Albertus font would be a must-have.

Oh, this is pretty awesome. It looks like these old scifi browser games.

I often use exotic frameworks like TuiCss (DOS-like) and 98.css (Windows 98-like) for private projects and this framework looks perfect for it-security projects with clichéd 80s flair.. or a low-quality sci-fi mobile game.

https://www.hudsandguis.com/ - more FUI work, one of my favourite sites.

They're a bit short on components. I see there's an open issue to add a Select component: https://github.com/arwes/arwes/issues/137

I'd need this at minimum before I'd considered using this in a real project.

Looks really cool! Gives me similar vibes as EDEX-UI[1]

[1] https://github.com/GitSquared/edex-ui

Reminds me of the starcraft 1 main menu mixed with sc2 a bit for the background, cool

In the future, everything will be cyan.

This seems to be a thing in anime and movies. It dates from the early 1980s, when displays were mostly green. Fiction needed something different. It also works well for see-through displays which allow the audience to see the actor's face.

On stuff you actually have to interact with, it's more of a cliche now.

I am making a UI framework written completely in the webgpu api rendered purely with particles. DM me if you are interested.

Not OP but I'm interested. How should I DM you? (couldn't find one on your HN profile)

Hmm a good few of their examples look like they have much better contrast than modern grey on grey stuff.

Didn't click on them to be horrified by beeps and animations if there are any, but some are pretty readable.

Perfect for building my next homepage! I'll start off with something simple, maybe add an under construction gif or two to ensure people know content is coming soon.

Arwes is awesome. I built an internal tool using the previous version of Arwes[0].

It's a visualization tool for a 3D scanner.

[0]: https://scan-viewer.vercel.app/scans/1?tab=overview

This is probably cool but I didn't find a full showcase UI? I saw the playground but that seems to be for trying individual components.

I used this at work for an internal tool and the team went wild over it. "It feels like we're working in the future!"

Been following arwes since before the rewrite, it doesn’t appear to be out of alpha yet but it is still being actively developed.

Hope it gets published soon, would love to use it.

Reminds me a lot of the UIs in Uplink and Defcon.

Looks more usable than most of the minimalist corporate memphis websites you see today.

This would be quite cool with my homeassistant dashboard :D

This is sick. I wish I had a usecase for using it.

Build a front end for your local weather?

[0] https://www.weather.gov/documentation/services-web-api

How about a crypto exchange?

Love it and great work. Looks cool to me

Missing cybernetic capabilities.


Bunch of previous discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24282270


I’m not a figma user. Are you able to point at a representative image?

You can see the glass material I was referring to in this video (timestamped): https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2023/10076/?time...

This style would be perfect for visionOS.

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