Talk about a let down. Javascript is so far past this sort of behavior. JQuery's perfect example of the level JS has reached. It (Javascript) is a corporate programming language now and the conferences for it need to respect this.
The site design is puerile and it is completely devoid of content. If the page's are going to be blank, then don't have them and don't link the title bars.
I am one of the people helping to pull this conference together and appreciate your feedback. We are trying to build the conference in such a manner that it addresses the core issues of the community instead of glazing over them like most big name conference pushers. The content and conference style will be edgy and will most likely not appeal to some people. That is fine, there are many big name, high sponsor vendor conferences out there where you can hear the redundancy of the corporate drone.
We are trying to make something different. Take it or leave it.
"That is fine, there are many big name, high sponsor vendor conferences out there where you can hear the redundancy of the corporate drone."
False choice. I appreciate it when anyone takes the time and trouble to put on a conference; it's a LOT of work. But you may be shooting yourself in the foot if you take the attitude that the only choices are "corporate drone" and your special personal take on "edgy" (another word that, like "rockstar", is best avoided).
"Take it or leave it."
Be careful what you wish for. Unless this is just some vanity project you may want to get a better feel for what the various JavaScript communities would like to see.
Appreciate the comments and you are right, I need to be less aggressive. If you don't mind me being a bit of a revisionist, let me turn it back and open the question back in a different way. Assuming there was an open forum to delve into some of the deep technical and community aspects of JavaScript, what would you identify as some of them?
The site design is puerile and it is completely devoid of content. If the page's are going to be blank, then don't have them and don't link the title bars.