Sure. I could respond with a 4xx code because you’re not authorized for that field. Ah, but maybe you want to know which field? Too bad GQL doesn’t really support that.
GraphQL has strongly typed errors unlike REST. It is very akin to the Result type in many languages in that you are forced to handle errors even when writing the query, and the query will simply not compile if you don't.
For example, the Pothos library implements this pattern automatically:
type Error {
message: String!
type Query {
hello(name: String!): QueryHelloResult
union QueryHelloResult = Error | QueryHelloSuccess
type QueryHelloSuccess {
data: String!
This field can be queried using fragments like:
query {
hello(name: "World") {
... on Error {
... on QueryHelloSuccess {
But now I’m most likely returning a 2xx response. There are asshole corporate middle boxes somewhere that will cache it. If I return a 4xx response, from experience (albeit nearly 5 years ago) I’ll crash your client. Now what?
If someone has solved the asshole corporate middle box problem using GQL, that’s really good news.