I put my DNS on Route53 since it makes things like cert management and record creation (via CDK) a breeze but I keep my domains on a different registrar (Namecheap, not a vote for or against them, just who I’ve used for a long time). Mainly to not have all my eggs in one basket though all but 1 egg doesn’t really save you. At a minimum I could switch the DNS to a static page explaining downtime if something happened to AWS/my account.
I moved all my domains from google domains -> CloudFlare a few years ago. I haven’t had any issues other than CloudFlare is missing support for some tlds, mainly “.dev”
I think it’s still the case that you have to use Cloudflare’s nameservers, is that right? I’m considering moving domains from Gandi but it would be a lot easier if I could just point at the nameservers I’m currently using on Route 53.
I’m considering Google Cloud Domains (watch as that gets announced as moving to Squarespace too in a week) or porkbun. Either way I want to make sure my account gets shut down and nothing gets ported over so I have one less SOC2 vendor to manage.
Also considering cloudflare as well.
To all the responders here, can you list out the reasons on not moving to Route 53?