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"I am sorry to say this, but please be mindful of wearing Reddit gear in public. Some folks are really upset, and we don’t want you to be the object of their frustrations.”

Overreaction much ? Are we really become that desensitized as a society? I find that hard to believe.

There are a lot of unhinged people on any major Internet platform. In 2018, a YouTuber shot three people at HQ because she blamed the company for downranking her videos. It’s actually quite lucky this kind of thing hasn’t happened more.

Is it lucky or was that situation an anomaly? Some people are unhinged but they are also keyboard warriors. I doubt even the unhinged redditors are going to go out and start assaulting people over this.

It feels like he trying to create the sense among Reddit employees that they are the victims, probably with the hope that it will temper internal criticism and create a sense that they are in this together (as opposed to its basically execs against everyone else).

Overdramatizing threats to your own personal safety is a common tactic of seasoned victims, and is routinely employed by all parties in these sorts of disputes.

Feels like projection. I don’t know anyone that blames Reddit employees for what’s happening, just the CEO.

Did you see the death threats in the github copilot copyright case?

I haven’t. Where can I read about that?


> [The judge overseeing the case has permitted the plaintiffs to remain anonymous in court filings because of credible threats of violence [PDF] directed at their attorney. The Register understands that the plaintiffs are known to the defendants.]

> https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cand.40...

No people are insane.

Remember no man's sky fallout? Or cyberpunk one?

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