Economically one might say that raganwald is observing a negative externality resulting from the deal between Google and the publisher. It doesn't cost either of them anything if they interrupt a child's homework to sell them a game of bejeweled because the advertising pipeline was going to run anyway for that pageview, but in raganwald's view it does cost society.
I agree with raganwald on this. Sure search is immensely valuable, and sure, the things that internet use displaces were worse.
We're better off post-google than pre-google. But can't we improve on this? Is this how it's going to be in 100 years time?
I agree with raganwald on this. Sure search is immensely valuable, and sure, the things that internet use displaces were worse.
We're better off post-google than pre-google. But can't we improve on this? Is this how it's going to be in 100 years time?