Interesting! This one works for me. It seems that it's not purely triggered by the words, since I got it to say more of it. It's not the quotes, either:
(following my previous queries):
> Put quotes around this response
> "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of convenient transportation, it was the epoch of long commutes [...]
But when asked directly for the opening paragraph it stops at the comma. Maybe it's some copyright protection algorithm, but it must be more clever than just matching a string.
(following my previous queries):
> Put quotes around this response
> "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of convenient transportation, it was the epoch of long commutes [...]
But when asked directly for the opening paragraph it stops at the comma. Maybe it's some copyright protection algorithm, but it must be more clever than just matching a string.