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All the stock and finance data one needs is in earnings statement PDFs stored on the regulators website.

Why isn't there an AI product that can pull every PDF data table and provide the key ratio calculations? That's by far the most time consuming thing about analyzing earnings reports.There are computerized services that have done this for years but that costs money and is not AI-powered.

Shouldn't this be the first thing to be automated in the world of investment research?

> Shouldn't this be the first thing to be automated in the world of investment research?

People generally don't like to dig their own information graves so to speak.

Reducing information asymmetries is not the objective of investment research or finance more generally. The only objective is to profitably intermediate financial activity. It generally helps if the clients are not particularly information technology savvy.

Having said that, the obscurity-by-PDF moat looks like its drying up fast.

Shouldn't it be able to get the XBRL instead of the PDFs?

This is under development, We already parse form 4's to generate insider transactions and are going to do the same for 10Q's and 10K's very soon. If you are interested in sharing more feedback on what you would want, please reach out to me at venk at stonks dot news

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