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Neon is an awesome serverless Postgres: https://neon.tech/

Till the time they are also bought and "sunsetted." That's the problem with all these shiny startups.

Not this one though, they are open source so someone else would start to offer new hosted instances: https://github.com/neondatabase/neon

Some Helm charts: https://github.com/neondatabase/helm-charts

It could potentially be one of their partners:

Vercel https://neon.tech/docs/guides/vercel

Hasura https://neon.tech/docs/guides/hasura

> Some Helm charts: https://github.com/neondatabase/helm-charts

For the record though, they're not enough to run neon today[0] - this has been a "problem" since neon was announced here[1].

[0]: https://github.com/neondatabase/helm-charts/issues/35#issue-...

[1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31540691

I found their docker-compose more helpful than their chart: https://github.com/neondatabase/neon/blob/main/docker-compos...

But I also needed to read their Ansible files to understand how they manage their infra better. Those are deleted now, but luckily you can just look at the history (commit that deleted it: https://github.com/neondatabase/neon/commit/0d3d022eb1fe4a42...)

I found installation instructions for Neon including Ansible files here: https://percona.community/labs/serverless-postgresql/docs/in...

That is super helpful and also kinda weird that it's on the percona website and not somewhere in the Neon docs

Yes, you'd have to do some own work to set up a direct competitor from the provided pieces.

They have published a new piece which is how they vertically autoscale Postgres in Kubernetes: https://github.com/neondatabase/autoscaling

Neon CEO here.

Autoscaling with live VM migrations is quite cool. Here is a blog post on it: https://neon.tech/blog/scaling-serverless-postgres

And yes, the code is open feel free to use it!

Yeah I'm not complaining - I mention it because if you're a bit.io customer that wants to migrate to another serverless Postgres solution you won't be able to do it by "just" running the linked helm charts.

(In my opinion) when someone says here's the helm chart I assume running "helm install $THING" would give me a running version of $THING, so it's more so no one has the wrong expectations (like I would)

I keep expecting Vercel to be bought by Sitecore, given how they are replacing all the .NET stuff and pushing Vercel everywhere.

Neon CEO. We are certainly not going to sunset Neon any time soon. We are extremely well funded and also growing super quickly. Expect some exciting announcements soon!

coW? So devs can have their ephemeral databases in seconds at no cost? Only the reads and writes they use and the “delta” storage of their thin clone?

Bitenporal support?

Smart anonymization (like Tonic.AI)?

Looking forward to hearing the announcements

Neon at least has open-sourced their core offering, which provides a migration path for folks who make bigger bets on their platform. So yeah, there's every possibility they'll go away at some point, but unlike a lot of SaaS offerings, it's all Postgres over the wire and under the hood, so you have plenty of migration options (OSS, another managed Postgres vendor, Aurora, Cloud SQL, etc.)

Neon CEO here. Definitely. Of course Neon storage is a distributed system and you need to know how to run it. But a) we can help b) Percona is a trusted partner of us that can support self hosting for you.

Reassuring to know about the collaboration with Percona and that professional support for self-hosting is available if ever needed.

Second Neon, they know what they're doing. It's not their first rodeo.

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