If you're a woman, you're consenting to the possibility of becoming pregnant. If you're a man, you're consenting to the possibility that the woman man become pregnant and may choose to keep the baby.
That's the legal standard, yes. I think the stark inconsistency between how the sexes are treated here, with one being given far more power to decide outcomes for everyone, strikes many people as wrong. In a world where 'equality' is one of the highest values, it's hard to square that.
Equity is the real thing we should be striving for, not equality. There is a massive difference between the two, and it's very telling that even then, you chose to put quotes around equality.
Maybe when you're asking yourself why the woman has the ultimate choice, you remember that you're not the one carrying the baby to term.
Certainly, the fact that the woman carries the baby is an argument in favor of her having decision of whether to abort it or not.
(Not a perfect argument, since it is of course his child as well and killing it would seem to involve both of them.)
It's harder to argue that she should also be the one to decide who is forced to work to pay for the baby's upbringing for 18 years. There is no situation where the woman can be so forced; she would give it up for adoption instead, which is the female version of 'paper abortion'.
This is where the idea of paper abortion for men comes from.
I disagree. I think equity is impossible and more of a political device than an actual thought out goal. Equality is actually legally enforceable and achievable.
That sounds primitive and regressive. "If you're a women who has sex, you're consenting to be a mother".