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Also check out https://www.mutopiaproject.org/ which is working on producing latex versions of music using lilypond.

> working on producing

The Mutopia project is dormant (per admissions and observations from contributors in the project's mailing list), and under current maintainership (or lack thereof) having contributions processed is hit-or-miss[0].

> latex versions of music

Lilypond is not based on (La)TeX, but lilypond-book, a companion utility that processes lilypond files, allows scores (or fragments) to be integrated into LaTeX, DocBook, Texinfo, and HTML documents[1].

(There is a LaTeX package for music typesetting called MusiXTeX[2], which was used by many scores of the former Werner Icking Music Archive, which merged[3] long ago into IMSLP).

0: Primary contribution channel: https://github.com/MutopiaProject/MutopiaProject

1: Usage of lilypond-book: https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.23/Documentation/usage/integrati...

2: MusiXTeX package home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/musixtex?lang=en

3: WIMA: https://www.icking-music-archive.org/index.php

FYI, LilyPond hasn't been TeX-based in many years, though they still share some design principles.

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