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I'm sure I have a lot of Ashkenazi in me. And of course I'm proud of my genes. And proud of my ancestors. I'm fine with people self-identifying as Jewish, or Black, or (myself) Read-headed. The risk is when other people put those labels upon you. When you label your tribe, you not only label yourself but also those who may prefer not to be labeled.

I am certain that "race", as meaningful, well defined categories with clear, sharp edges, exists only in the minds of racists.

From the rest of us, don't ask for a simple definition, as it's an illusionary, fuzzy concept.

But it's all very well to say that you "prefer not to be labelled", that it's simply a matter of "self-identifying". It would be good if that was all it was, But you might not be able to avoid categorisation. You can't entirely ignore the definitions of racists who wish you harm.

I seriously do count my blessings that there's no racism against red-heads where and when I live. I know there was in medieval times. I can easily imagine such nonsense still existing.

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