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Anonymity, in the age of cryptography, is not going anywhere.

Between astroturfing, AIs, trolls, and foreign involvement, we are increasingly in need of a countering force. We are currently suffering under the tyranny of the anonymous!

It is astonishing that so many people are still swayed by such outdated cyberpunk ideologies! The arguments of the 1990s do not make sense given the realities of the 2020s.

> we are increasingly in need of a countering force. We are currently suffering under the tyranny of the anonymous!

Are you? What happens if this "need" isn't filled? Just because you can't probe popular opinion with an open comment system, it doesn't mean it is a requirement for society to work. We have systems to vote that work and don't have these issues. Simple paper ballots work really well.

> It is astonishing that so many people are still swayed by such outdated cyberpunk ideologies

Private companies and governments have never collected as much data as they do now, mostly without real consent, and they are getting the means to exploit this data very efficiently now with AI. The cypherpunk ideology (cyberpunk is a fictional sci-fi genre, although it's kinda related with its themes) applies more than ever in this context, it actually predicted the situation we are living, so I can't agree with you when you claim it is "outdated". Individuals should value their ability to be anonymous if they intend to remain somewhat free, this is the "counter" to mass surveillance.

What happens if this need isn’t filled? Well, the focus of this article for one, more and more astroturfing and fraud. How about riling up another country’s voting public with lies? Various forms of harassment and bullying? And do you think AIs are going to make this better or worse? Should we ignore all of this because we’re worried about the outcome matching the plot of a Gibson or Stephenson story?

I can’t come up with a better argument than I’ve made in these two articles:



They are both short reads.

Don't you think that security-guaranteed-by-strong-goverment model is outdated too? Governments all around the world seem to be incompetent to solve the emerging issues.

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