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You're responding as if you are performing customer service. I appreciate that. But my point is that your project will not get proper funding on Kickstarter with a video edited so that it is the bait and switch feeling of prototype vs. finished product that stays with the viewer.

I'm not your customer here, I'm pointing out that your marketing is broken. Any amount of explanations in the comments on HN is not going to change the fact that your video leaves the viewer with the wrong impression.

I'm still actually selling the Nixie Ramos. How am I baiting and switching them, if I'm showing people something I'm selling to them?

You don't give this info in the video. What you should do is to do the video using mainly the product that you are going to build and tell everyone how awesome it is. And then in the end you flash the nixie tube version and say: "If you commit $XX you'll get this awesome retro version".

Please know that I'm not saying you're trying to scam people. I'm saying that they will see the video and then feel scammed. You have perfectly noble intentions but as the video is laid out you fail to communicate them.

EDIT, just want this to be perfectly clear: You seem to be an awesome person, you have an awesome product, it is awesome that you use Kickstarter. BUT your video is a turn off. And it is a shame because of all the awesomeness people will miss who only see the video and then hit the back button at the exact moment in the video when you say "Well, I've already started working on a much more affordable production model". You introduce your main product with the absolutely non-sexy word "affordable", after having shown a much more awesome version for a full minute and a half.

I think it's a decent enough pivot. The Nixies are almost sold out and the LEDs are selling, too. The only problem I see is that there's not enough to justify the high end. He's already committing to 500+ Nixie clocks (hopefully there's machinery involved!), in hindsight he probably could have gotten rid of one of the smaller pledges and bumped everything else up a notch or two.

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