Interesting to contrast the (sometimes) global opinion that the US First Amendment is too extremist with the current situation in the UK arising in part from the lack of such an extremist "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech" framework.
That's how far the Overton window has shifted, when the 1st Amendement of the US Constitution is being branded as "extremist". What dark times we are living in....
And he whole society is shifting in the process, the public becomes more tolerant of the erosion of liberty. While the government starts to clamp down on our freedoms more than ever before. That is how we arrived at the place we are at now, with widespread mass surveillance and censorship.
All supposedly accepted by the public in the name of "safety". With the public maybe so accustomed to that feeling of supposed safety that they might actually oppose rolling back the surveillance in some cases?
> That's how far the Overton window has shifted, when the 1st Amendement of the US Constitution is being branded as "extremist".
The US’ freedom of expression rights are so much stronger than any other state I’m aware of that calling them extreme is quite accurate. There’s nothing like the First Amendment in any other country.
Yes, the US is at the forefront of individual liberty, it is highly advanced in this respect. And it is likely the reason for its economic prosperity over the decades.
Many of the other countries in the world are collectivist. The recent shift in the Overton Window is a regression towards pre-Enlightenment values.