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Crowdsourcing craigslist bank robber nabbed on DNA evidence (arstechnica.com)
15 points by habs on Nov 8, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Quite a funny tale! Rather ingenious on this part, too.

While the "accomplices" were innocent in this case, it makes me wonder whether "crowd-crime" will become common in future. Rather like flashmobs, 30 criminals could easily co-ordinate a mass shoplifting operation and the sheer numbers would overwhelm (and even intimidate) any security that was present. I read a story a year or two ago about gangs of hundreds of poor children robbing tourists on beaches somewhat along these lines.

Mobbing is a common gang activity. But the whole point of a gang is absolute trust, violently enforced. You can't do that with a collection of random strangers.

However... mybe you could start a riot this way, or mass disobedience of traffic laws, or a hate crime against an unpopular minority. That's a scary thought.

It's nothing new or uncommon. This has always been standard operating procedure for gangs.

I thought he pulled off the perfect crime but alas the moral to the story is buy your wig and other needed materials from ebay or at least space your purchases out over time locally.

Or don't be a bank robber, but yeah, yours works too.

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