Certainly not unbiased, but there's very little in his criticism I've read that doesn't seem accurate. Regardless of who is making the criticism, Reed seems to have some pretty good points of criticism, and I've never heard/read good rebuttals to his points, other than "well, he's biased!"
Direct competitor? John T Reed self publishes. He lacks $16,000+ "seminars" that tour the country. Kiyosaki puts on, a horrendous Yahoo! run of financial advice, etc. Reed educates by noting the falseness of other guru's:
He is not unbiased as you say, but "direct competitor" is rather strong.
Haters will hate and John Reed is capitalizing on this fringe niche to sell his own investment books. Anyone who dismisses RDPD based solely on what Reed wrote is as big a sheep as what he calling Kiyosaki's fans.
I enjoyed RDPD and there were several other Rich Dad books I found very good : Success Stories and Form Your Own Corporation. I can hardly think of dryer subject material than corporate legal structures, but I found the RD book easy reading