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Netflix is shutting down the DVD business (netflix.com)
15 points by abawany on April 18, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

One thing discs get right is the lack of poor color compression. The frequency and number of times a dark scene on $STREAMING_SERVICE contains a visibly countable number of color shades is, shall we say, too high for comfort on the matter.

All I can figure is that the teams that produce physical discs seem to master them carefully, while the teams that manage compression for streaming seem to not review the results so painstakingly/critically with an eye for this visual factor.

Not that I use the Netflix disc service anymore anyway, but I feel for those who do. At any rate, this change could result in a small boon for local public libraries, maybe.

Very sad to see this service go. I've never pirated since my subscription. I still have 100+ movies in the DVD queue which will likely never be streamed.

I’m fairly sure I’ve been a member for all 25 years now. I’ll really miss the service. Streaming just isn’t a great option for my rural home.

I'll miss the service a lot too. Most of the stuff that I was renting is not available on the streaming service so I guess I'd better save my list and try to find those dvds somewhere else.

I didn't even know they were still doing DVDs. Guess a lack of marketing didn't help.

I still have DVDs checked out, do I need to return them?

Well, they won’t let you checkout any more until you send them back

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