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Fork this project and add fucking awesome songs (fuckingawesomesongs.com)
42 points by AndrewVos on Feb 7, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

I love YouTube as a grey-area on-demand radio.. For a really simple music mash up I also made http://fmix.heroku.com .. Enter an artist or Song you like, click search for a last fm generated then randomized list.. Jump from a song you like into a new list.

Has its limitations but works quite well for bgm (except when YouTube search gives a false positive though this can be hilarious)

Interesting idea, get many people to edit the same JSON file.

I'd imagine you'd need to do a lot of hand merges, because everyone will try edit the same files section though (notably the bottom of the list), which in part ruins the whole "everything is a PR" vibe. Shame, because the idea of talking over changes in the comments and then pulling it in is cool.

I love the idea but who decides which songs can be there??? BTW, excellent first songs but I can't see any from The Beatles!!

Forking! :)

This is actually a very good example sinatra project for newbs to follow. props.

Not having used Git in 6 months (feeling rusty) this was a lot of fun! Thanks

So the idea is that people fork the project, send pull request and then get them approved to add songs? I am pretty sure that we have the whole html form to database dance figured out already...

Created by Kanye West?

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