Very interesting. My dad used to frequent the Waterlooplein flea market in Amsterdam and once picked up a Paul Citroen for 25 guilders. We ate from the money it fetched at auction for a long, long time.
The ArtHoles episodes on Caravaggio are likewise superb.
If you can stomach the bro-style presentation. The author conveys a much better picture on the circumstances at the time than typically dry textbooks or historical accounts.
Do you really get cancelled for violence? Aren't plenty of famous rappers known for having been involved in crimes? At least here in Sweden it became a discussion after public service gave awards to gang members. To get cancelled, you basically have to do something sex related or have the wrong opinion.
‘Wrong opinion’ specifically in the sense that you oppose the process of human rights, specifically the rights of traditionally oppressed and minority groups, to be treated fairly and held as equals amongst the general population, and to not suffer the dehumanizing indignity of oppression, and the violence of bigotry.
No, "wrong opinion" in the sense of challenging overreach carried out in the name only of your examples - normally by unpleasant people in mobs who have appointed themselves arbiters of the limits of public discourse.
But of course, this is very well known and its unfortunate it keeps needing to be restated.