Ehhh... Java didn't start out that way. It felt like confusing hell and I wasn't sure what I was doing for a good reason and what I did because that's just what you did. EJB, Glassfish, Apache, WAL, something something Enterprise. Java the language is quite nice, the tooling can be quite insane. Yeah, don't forget the custom convoluted setup at some companies which only work with Eclipse, which suddenly slows down for no reason until you restart it. Then, you throw in some plugins and 50% of your screen real estate is gone.
Don't get me wrong, I quite like Java and the good tooling, but I'm more exposed to C# these days and Java feels like 90% the same, so I'm never compelled to go back.
Or you are maybe sarcastic, impossible to tell in text...
Side-edit: from the very beginning, Java was simple, when it was released. But in 2010 it felt super confusing to me.
Don't get me wrong, I quite like Java and the good tooling, but I'm more exposed to C# these days and Java feels like 90% the same, so I'm never compelled to go back.
Or you are maybe sarcastic, impossible to tell in text...
Side-edit: from the very beginning, Java was simple, when it was released. But in 2010 it felt super confusing to me.