Fragment shaders can only go so far. Can you do in webgpu something like this?
In other words, if you have a large texture with (x,y) coordinates of points, can you draw another texture that shows a density cloud of these points? In webgl2 it becomes a phd level problem.
Total graphics / shaders / GPU noob here. Does that mean you'll essentially get free visualisations (albeit non-sensical ones) as a byproduct of your computations?
If you wanted to do compute in a shader before WebGPU with WebGL instead, then I think the answer is kind of yes. It wasn't "for free" without any code but it was required to do. But now WebGPU supports compute shaders properly so you don't have to do compute in a shader that produces textures.
I think it depends, but given an arbitrary compute pipeline, you should be able to write the results (or intermediary results) to the screen with minimal effort.