If it is Google, why doesn't it look like Google? Why is it 'wesolveforx', and not solveforx.google.com. Why PHP? Why do Whois records say the site belongs to:
TBA Global, LLC
535 N. Brand Blvd suite 800
Glendale, CA 91203
The Whois record for wesolveforx.com shows Google as the registrant (http://www.whois.net/whois/wesolveforx.com). TBA is a marketing agency that Google is (presumably) working with.
richard devaul, who works in x lab confirmed wesolveforx on google+. However, this site looks like a ted style conference and not actually what happens at x lab.
And here I was thinking that google stepped up its advertising games by offering something like recaptcha but for ads. No paywall, just ad-wall, an ad urging you to type the words "the product X is the best"/"X will grow your...muscles" before you can access the content.