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None of these demo binaries will actually run on my OS, so maybe the extra 768 bytes are a fair tradeoff for abstracting away the platform.

These binaries will run on your OS if you install the corresponding runtime (DosBox or similar actually).

Interestingly this runtime happens to be way smaller (2MB) than Firefox, Chrome or even Safari.

now we just need to write google search, google maps, facebook, twitter etc for dosbox, some type of linking mechanism, have it installed on all computer by default and we are sorted!

Most demo competitions do not assume you'll require internet connectivity at all, so that won't be required ;)

I understand your irony and do agree that using standards of today is expected.

This doesn't remove any validity to the OP point that what we use today (apart from WebGL or other hardware accelerated code) is several orders of magnitude behind what was already there 10 to 15 years ago.

I do hope though that we'll see more and more widespread/standard techniques to grab back a bit of speed there without only counting on Moore's law :)

There's DosBox for the iPhone now?

If you're not living in Apple's wallen garden, it seems so:


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