Or is it the very real effect continued geo-engineering is having and will have on hundreds of millions of people? Look up China's participation in that.
Or is it the solar cycle - how much impact does the primary core driver of earths climate moods have on earths climate? Look that up.
Or is it a mix of these and other possible causes, some potentially those identified by so-far very unreliable dogmatic climate science?
You can't solve problems with science if you are so mired in the current "correct" way of thinking you can't think objectively continuously, and especially during those times it seems like everyones got it "figured out".
(And even more especially when those same people can be demonstrated to have been consistently wrong for decades.)
Or is it the solar cycle - how much impact does the primary core driver of earths climate moods have on earths climate? Look that up.
Or is it a mix of these and other possible causes, some potentially those identified by so-far very unreliable dogmatic climate science?
You can't solve problems with science if you are so mired in the current "correct" way of thinking you can't think objectively continuously, and especially during those times it seems like everyones got it "figured out".
(And even more especially when those same people can be demonstrated to have been consistently wrong for decades.)