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I'm saying they are 5x more expensive than they need to be. So most of the money that goes to the agencies is de facto corruption, even if it goes to the workers who are working, but ouputting not much.

Where did you get that 5x number?

The rate cards we use are tied to market rates. Consulting (and services businesses in general) aren't super-profitable.

I think probably you're just pulling numbers out of thin air.

Now if you think that the value of consultants is overrated, I tend to agree with you in some - but not all - cases. As an example, it makes little sense to hire FTEs for a short term project that has to happen on a discrete timeline.

Healthcare.gov (Obamacare) was a $1B, and it didn't work. Some Google Engineers came in to save it.

In Canada, the 'Gun Registry' cost $700M and it could be literally an access database not even mySQL. Literally probably could fit in Excel.

The governments custom payroll is going to cost another $1B and it still does not work, they are looking for alternatives.

It's fraud. The bill $1B for a piece of shit that a handfull of decent Engineers could have built for 10% the cost.

It's blind leading the blind leading the blind who don't care. Everyone's repuation is a stake so they will lie lie lie.

Bureaucrats believe the smooth sales pitch and have no clue what a good project should look like.

We need much better standards for IT projects because this is going to kill us.

The best fraud is to inflate the cost of the project 10-100x.

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