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just repackage chatGPT as a new consultancy, McKenzie, and hope no one notices

actually, brb

My savviest clients are already on this - why hire a consultant for strategy when you can just suss out what the competition is doing and improve incrementally on that?

My only (personal) hope is that it’ll free guys like me up to soar through ‘creative configuration space’ and come up with those truly unique and unexpected tactics that are new to an entire segment or industry.

Sure I don’t get to be a millionaire MD with two hundred reports billing hourly, but maybe I can do value-based or outcome-based pricing and get my clientele to take ‘healthy’ risk - instead of sitting around fretting about shaving half a point off labor costs through a mindless re-org :/

Related anecdote: if you see someone on the airplane rejiggering a public company’s org chart - short the stock!

You mean McKinsey?

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