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Well, EY started as part of Andressen (?) and was as such part of the Enron scandal. We shouldn't ignore the scandal of the century. EY so is a very reputable accounting firm. Unreputable would be the Metaverse headquartered shop FTX used.

You might be thinking of Accenture, which was founded from the ashes of Andersen Consulting.

Andressen is one half of Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) which (I think?) doesn't have any connection to Enron.

The OP is thinking of "Arthur Andersen", the accounting firm that serviced both Enron and Worldcom. The first paragraph of Wikipedia cites the scandals as factors in enacting SOX (src: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Andersen)

Accenture is Andersen Consulting. It left and changed its name to Accenture because of internal infighting and politics prior to the Enron scandal that took down Andersen entirely.

The name Accenture was also chosen because they were able to keep using Andersen Consulting's existing ac.com domain w/o interruption.

It wasn't, it was spun out before Enron.

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