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Screwing over the bond market by screwing over owners of your company's bonds make the entire investing and general retirement and pension climates worse. Retirements and pensions are often guaranteed in part by the government, with tax funds. Tax increases and retirement deficits directly hit consumers in their ability to consume, and at least a few years back consumers were responsible for about 2/3rds of GDP (in the US, at least), so a bit more important than the business climate itself.

And that's without even factoring in the effect of bankruptcy on consumers employed by the bankrupt company. Employees of a bankrupt company are considered the highest level of unsecured creditors, but they still come behind secured creditors. So bankruptcy can not only result in an employee (who is also a consumer in the more general economy) losing their job, but losing their last paycheck and benefits coverage. Which has a consequent effect not only on consumption, but on utilization of public, tax- or fee-supported services.


If a person bankrupts a company, they could probably use 5 years to let all of the lessons that they should have learned sink in. If you fail out of school you have to retake your classes in order to graduate.

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