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This is terrible advice and you or actually your Estonian company will be fined for tax fraud.

In Germany income is taxed where it is generated, which includes the head of the person running the business. So if you run your foreign company from Germany - which is expect to be the case if you have no physical permanent office in Estonia, where you also have to be regularly present - you home is considered to be an business location and thus you are taxed accordingly.

Note that this only applies to limited liability companies.

If you are a single person with no need for limited liability, just register an individual business (Einzelunternehmen) with your local authority (Gewerbeamt). It’s really easy, cheap and if you need support, tax consulting for individual business is rather cheap as well and worth it if your business generates regular income. Otherwise you can just talk to the authorities, because income from passion projects (i.e. non-regular, without the goal of generating a substantial income amount) is not taxed at all.

Which single person doesn't need limited liability though? In my experience small freelancers/businesses need that protection much more than bigger organisations, which can afford legal fees and court costs if things go south.

If you are a freelancer trading without a corporate entity you can get screwed so hard. There are nasty people out there that will take advantage of this and can demand loads of free work or refunds, knowing that your entire personal wealth is on the line.

>In Germany income is taxed where it is generated

Only if you're a resident in Germany, But if I live somewhere in the EU and sell something to someone living in Germany I don't owe income tax to the German government.

I pay my income tax where I'm a fiscal resident (Estonia, Romania, etc.)

Lucky you in this case, not having to learn and deal with all this then :) But the original comment was about someone living in Germany (at least at the time)

That's why one should just move to Dubai and escape Germany and its crazy taxes and health insurance costs.

Dubai? Extremely bad advice unless you deeply understand the sometimes “crazy” implications of their Sharia based laws e.g. debts:

  The UAE has no bankruptcy laws, so there is no protection for those who fail to meet their car repayments, pay off their credit cards or default on their mortgage, even accidentally.

  Anyone who fails to make their payments faces imprisonment in the notoriously tough prisons of the United Arab Emirates, and the Sharia-influenced debt offences have even led Interpol to circulate red alerts to capture indebted Europeans attempting to flee the UAE.

  There have been previously recorded cases of foreign workers being prevented from leaving the Emirates after being blacklisted for simply missing one credit card payment or bouncing a cheque. As a result, many expats are forced to abandon their lives to avoid jail time, often with their car keys still in the ignition.
I would bet they fixed their information systems, and you couldn’t now leave if you happen to screw up.


Don't forget the 0% tax lowering the probability of bankruptcy significantly while living expenses are on par to a regular German city... Most of those expats you mentioned simply wanted to live above their means.

> Most of those expats you mentioned simply wanted to live above their means.

Actually, I had a friend working there as a nurse who bought property to live in, and they were underwater for a while. They were not stupid: it was an easy and normal mistake to make given their background (mortgages are not thought of as jail material at home, I’m not sure if they were warned of dangers).

I expect there are other unknown serious “gotchas”, because you are not a citizen in Dubai. You could easily be treated the same as the third-world working imported labour, and the legal system there can heavily penalise non-citizens.

Yeah: 0% tax is nice, but personally I think it is not worth it to live in a crappy place and there are hidden costs. Been there for a week just to have a good look around: fucking hated how people were treated there - weird economy.

ah yes move to a dystopian slave state in a fucking desert

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