> I've made it possible on Node with the help of node-fibers
Cheating! It's not in core. Yes, it largely solves the problem at hand, but we're not talking about node + fibers or even the node + features they're currently working on. We're talking about node. Node doesn't have fibers. Although I wish it did! Fibers really don't belong in the user-space ...
They work in user-space and are portable, so I don't see the problem.
Also, even if one opposes the idea of co-routines due to the problem of not knowing which function will yield, there's no denying that they provide one of the best current solutions to the flow control issues with a clean upgrade path to generators when those become available in V8 in 18 months or so.
Cheating! It's not in core. Yes, it largely solves the problem at hand, but we're not talking about node + fibers or even the node + features they're currently working on. We're talking about node. Node doesn't have fibers. Although I wish it did! Fibers really don't belong in the user-space ...