A bit off topic, but find OpenAI's branding and visual image so off putting. It has that uncanny valley of "caring about humans, but actual not" feel that destructive tech companies and AI in movies and sci-fi have. It seems like they tried so hard to make it not feel that way, so it ended up feeling that. It's so devoid of anything.
I'm not really sure how to describe it beyond that.
“The biggest possible risk to humans from AIs is hurting someone’s feelings and thus reducing our stock value” -OpenAI
It’s a same sense of slimyness when you talk to a used car salesman or politician, which I attribute to “pretending to have your interests in mind, but deep down you know they’re just twisting their words in a way that puts their interests ahead of everything else”.
this is a great observation. to me, the vibe reminds me of the soundtrack to "28 Days Later". its a kind of unsettling "hopeful" feeling in the present (unsettling because a nightmare apocalypse is right around the corner). basically the plot of a horror movie. https://telnet.asia/openai.mp4
I'm not really sure how to describe it beyond that.