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It's wrong because:

1. Passing creds via GET will show up in server logs. 2. The way REST works, you don't want to put anything in a GET which will change anything on the server (which includes generating an auth token). POST is the standard here.

edit It's better that they support POST for the auth creds in a header, but they should still be using HTTP standard authentication methods and return a 401 if unauthorized.

Also, look for already complete solutions for what you want. The whole point of REST is that you don't need to create all these query string parameters or put stuff in headers - the HTTP specs already include most of this functionality. For example HTTP already includes several authentication mechanisms[1], as does TLS[2], which are more secure (and standard!) than a form-based login.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digest_access_authentication [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Remote_Password_protocol

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