Quirky is a social product development company where people from all around the world submit invention ideas to our website. With the help of our passionate community, we select the best ideas each week to develop together and try to bring them to market. If an idea actually makes it, then everyone who helped along the way gets a piece of the pie. You can find our products at retailers such as Target and Bed Bath & Beyond.
Quirky is a rails shop, and we work with lots of fun technologies like AWS, mongo, iOS and heroku to name a few. We're a small team that works on lots of big, fun and interesting problems. We just moved into a brand new, fully custom office space in Chelsea (might be the coolest office you'll find in NYC). Oh and we also had a reality show on the Sundance Channel last year.
We're looking to hire rockstar front end and rails developers. More details here:
Quirky is a social product development company where people from all around the world submit invention ideas to our website. With the help of our passionate community, we select the best ideas each week to develop together and try to bring them to market. If an idea actually makes it, then everyone who helped along the way gets a piece of the pie. You can find our products at retailers such as Target and Bed Bath & Beyond.
Quirky is a rails shop, and we work with lots of fun technologies like AWS, mongo, iOS and heroku to name a few. We're a small team that works on lots of big, fun and interesting problems. We just moved into a brand new, fully custom office space in Chelsea (might be the coolest office you'll find in NYC). Oh and we also had a reality show on the Sundance Channel last year.
We're looking to hire rockstar front end and rails developers. More details here:
If interested, shoot me an email greg at quirky dot com. Relocation is available for well qualified candidates (I moved from SF to NYC to work here!)