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All that says is there’s no such thing as utopia. They have problems like anyone else. Our society is full of sexual abuse, violence in the home, murder, suicide, drug addicts in the streets, valueless people, money obsession, loneliness, ignorance and stupidity, etc. Our institutions are corrupt in many ways, wealth is power, and we are just as hierarchal as any other organization because it’s unavoidable.

So I think it’s unfair to dismiss them because they have sexual abuse in their communities and have values other than education. They don’t want to change much but it’s not a conspiracy to maintain the hierarchy. It’s to maintain their way of life that they’ve found creates meaningful, stable, happy lives with authentic connections to each other. We lack this as a society so much that we have multi-billion dollar industries trying to bottle it up and sell it to our desperate people.

They don’t do everything right but they get a lot right.

> So I think it’s unfair to dismiss them because they have sexual abuse in their communities

It's fair to dismiss them because they have an institutional habit of covering it up.

> and have values other than education.

This is wrong. Not educating someone keeps them under your control. That's abusive.

> It's fair to dismiss them because they have an institutional habit of covering it up.

Well, they take care of it themselves and don't get the legal system involved. They have their own ways of dealing with it. They don't support it and it's not like they're actively facilitating it. You may agree or disagree with this but there are many different communities in the USA that prefer to act this way.

> This is wrong. Not educating someone keeps them under your control. That's abusive.

They get enough education. I'd wager most of them are better educated than the majority of public school attendees, most which graduate with a < 8th grade level of reading and match ability. I think we should look at our own broken system more before criticizing them and holding them to a different standard.

> Well, they take care of it themselves and don't get the legal system involved. They have their own ways of dealing with it.

They allow it to run rampant. That's explicitly called out in the article I linked to.

> They get enough education.

They don't. Again, that's explicitly called out in the articles I linked to.

At this point I can only conclude you're posting in bad faith.

That's a single article with an agenda.

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