Reminds me of the pico editor -- pico means penis in some Spanish-speaking countries (it also means beak, FWTW). I remember contacting that project to let them know, I guess they thought it would be alright.
I don't think it's comparable. Pico is highly polysemic. As you say, it also means beak, and it's also first person singular present of the verb "picar" (which is in turn polysemic, meaning to bite, or to have a snack, or to itch), and in Spain it can also be a small kiss, apart from being also a prefix in the metric system (the motivation for the editor's name) so it's not like most people would burst out laughing when hearing that word, as we are used to putting it in context and most meanings aren't about genitals. Just like some people have Dick as a surname and English-speaking people don't laugh, I guess.
Culitho is so unambiguous in Spanish, though, that it's hard not to laugh.