". The first time the opponents
showed up [in the training area] they
had wing tanks along with a bunch of
missiles. I guess they figured that being
in a dirty configuration wouldn’t really
matter and that they would still easily
outmaneuver us. By the end of the week,
though, they had dropped their wing
tanks, transitioned to a single centerline
fuel tank and were still doing everything
they could not to get gunned by us. A
week later they stripped the jets clean of
all external stores, which made the BFM
fights interesting, to say the least"
F35 can hold their own quite well. Disregard the 2015 report with the limiting software, this is where they are at, and things will only improve with the new engine
(source attached to this post https://www.f-16.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=54012 )
F35 can hold their own quite well. Disregard the 2015 report with the limiting software, this is where they are at, and things will only improve with the new engine