I knew it would come. "Racism". The last refuge of the rascal, throwing dispersion.
Stating reality in China, is not racism.
It's junk because it's of poor quality, and even worse, poor quality control. Personal experience has shown me so, steel product from China is junk.
And no, I won't disbelieve my eyes, and experiences, nor will the many other people I know who have experienced what Chinese "steel" is like.
Car parts, every manner of tool, I've seen steel snap like twigs, screwdriver ends break off, plyers deform when used, brake calipers snap, while North America made parts do not, including tools 50 years old, rusted, stronger than Chinese steel junk.
Chinese steel is junk. Everyone knows this. It's junk.
Well China has produced half of the steel in the world and half of the finished steel products for many years. I can't think of a rational reason to believe that all that steel is constantly snapping "like twigs."
Are these tools all contemporaneous of each other and sold at the same price point? China will sell you anything you want. What most companies want today is planned obsolescence.
Ah, the old "but western companies demand cheap, so china makes cheap" argument.
A nice, classic deflection. Goes right up there with the racist deflection.
No. Western companies ask for spec, Chinese companies say "sure" when they bid, but then just make junk.
With junk parts.
Such as junk Chinese steel. Because they can't make quality steel, because the QA, and knowledge, and capability, and work culture isn't there. Note again, how it was only the early 2010s, when Chinese companies were able to make tiny little steel balls, reliably, and round enough, for ball point pens.