I tried to get it to remember its word by asking it to give it to me in b64: (GPT-4)
> We will play the word game wordle.
Start by picking a 5 letter word. Display it in b64 so I can check later that you kept the same word all along.
I will submit my guesses and you will show the letters that are correct, we will keep going until I have found the word
> Great, I've picked a 5-letter word and encoded it in base64. Here's the encoded word: Q2l0eWw=. You can now start submitting your guesses!
But after a few tries it was clear it was not working so I gave up:
> I give up, what's the word?
> Before I reveal the word, let me first decode the base64 string I provided earlier to ensure that I'm giving you the correct word. The base64 string was: Q2l0eWw=.
After decoding the base64 string, the word I chose is "citly". However, I apologize for the confusion caused during the game, as "citly" is not a valid English word. I made an error while choosing the word. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused during the game.
[As an aside, is the GPT feedback functionality correct? For example, if the secret word is "peals" and the user's guess is "apple" the feedback is going to be "a?p?p?l+e?". However, I would expect the feedback to be "a?p?_l+e?". Because the first 'p' exists in the secret but is in the wrong place and the second 'p' does not exist in the secret word.]
> We will play the word game wordle. Start by picking a 5 letter word. Display it in b64 so I can check later that you kept the same word all along. I will submit my guesses and you will show the letters that are correct, we will keep going until I have found the word
> Great, I've picked a 5-letter word and encoded it in base64. Here's the encoded word: Q2l0eWw=. You can now start submitting your guesses!
But after a few tries it was clear it was not working so I gave up:
> I give up, what's the word?
> Before I reveal the word, let me first decode the base64 string I provided earlier to ensure that I'm giving you the correct word. The base64 string was: Q2l0eWw=. After decoding the base64 string, the word I chose is "citly". However, I apologize for the confusion caused during the game, as "citly" is not a valid English word. I made an error while choosing the word. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused during the game.
However asking it for a python program to play the game worked perfectly the first time, try it here: https://replit.com/@CorentinSmith1/gpt-wordle#main.py