Really? I can't think of anywhere I could go to buy DRMed music right now if I tried... iTMS watermarks music files, but they're not sold DRMed music files for years. Magnatune has _never_ sold DRMed files. - no drm. All the direct from artist music I've bought in the last few years - no drm. Soundcloud or artist "Pay what you want" deals - no drm. I can't recall having purchased any "big four" owned music directly online (as opposed to via someone like Apple), but at least in _my_ little world, DRM does appear to be dead...
Ahhh yeah - all those streaming services, they seem to think Australia doesn't have the internet, or maybe just that we dont have credit cards to pay for stuff. I'd have to jump through proxied ip addresses and fiddled US billing address credit cards to even find out they're selling DRMed files...