There is also the ongoing debate of why the hell consuming white rice, which is instantly broken down into large amounts of glucose, doesn't have the same negative health impact. Lots of investigations around fructose vs glucose and biological pathways of how straight fructose is processed and so on and so forth, but feel free to visit any SE Asian country where rice is well over 50% of meals by volume and obesity levels are low.
I read a good series of investigative articles that posited it is contamination of our food supply from one or more unknown sources that explains why a diet consisting of highly processed food causes more chronic health conditions than a diet consisting of fresh foods even if the macro nutrient content is the same. (Wish I had bookmarked it...)
> feel free to visit any SE Asian country where rice is well over 50% of meals by volume and obesity levels are low.
Hello from a SE Asian country. Not much obesity here. Huge amount of diabetes though.
I've heard it's genetic - European and African ancestry puts on fat externally, while Asians tend to store fat internally (visceral fat) which is invisible but just as dangerous.
There is also the ongoing debate of why the hell consuming white rice, which is instantly broken down into large amounts of glucose, doesn't have the same negative health impact. Lots of investigations around fructose vs glucose and biological pathways of how straight fructose is processed and so on and so forth, but feel free to visit any SE Asian country where rice is well over 50% of meals by volume and obesity levels are low.
I read a good series of investigative articles that posited it is contamination of our food supply from one or more unknown sources that explains why a diet consisting of highly processed food causes more chronic health conditions than a diet consisting of fresh foods even if the macro nutrient content is the same. (Wish I had bookmarked it...)