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Your constant dismissiveness of criticism wrt Signal remains pretty darkly amusing.

>They make decisions that are certain to upset orangey-types like us (phone numbers, no federation, tethering to phones, and so on) because HN people aren't their core user base.

These decisions upset other people beyond your elitist dismissive "orangey-types", but upsetting "orangey-types" has its own cost. Nobody in my family, friends, or client organizations use Signal, because I advised them all against it. Sure that's <200 people but for network effect stuff it adds up.

>And, like the Flash letter, it has been pretty conclusively vindicated

Huh? It's successfully replaced SMS completely? It's replaced email? It's beaten out iMessage and Whatsapp etc worldwide? Oh. I mean sure, tens of millions of users worldwide is nothing to sniff at. But that's not a story of domination and "we won so all of you are wrong and also stupid".

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