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> What is interesting with corporatish marketing blog posts is how they usually say the exact opposite of what they mean. Signal blog post about differences is exactly that. They acknowledge the fact that there’s no way a single centralised authority could account for all the differences in the world. Then proceed to say they will do.

Honestly, this is the truth of it. We are so paid in to the idea that walled gardens are the only way that we forget all the things that actually do federate properly and the ergonomics of those.

Imagine not being able to send someone an SMS that was on another provider or phone manufacturer. That's absurd. Yet we put up with exactly that with iMessage/Signal and Whatsapp et al.

I don't have any constructive answers, I know that email is the last federated system that didn't suck and.. well, now it sucks.

Short of Matrix taking off and having a lot of different servers to choose from I suppose our only real answer is legislation. Why does Signal need to be centralised exactly? OMEMO security protocols used to work perfectly fine with pidgin across dozens of providers.

meta: anybody else seeing the "I" merged with the next word in the text?

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