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> if it takes the FDIC more than a few months to sort it out

Why do you think it may take months for FDIC to do their job?

I think FDIC will pay the 250k on every account before Monday morning. Anything beyond 250k is not covered by 'deposit insurance'.

> acquired and all the deposits will be honored

SVB is effectively bankrupt. Buyers are going to get a good deal, and not sink their own bank.

$250k will be in every account Monday morning, agreed on that.

It's everything above $250k, which is substantial, and which companies need, that will take a while to sort out. It's true that everything above $250k isn't covered by insurance, which means they may not get it, but SVB has assets, those assets will get sold, and first up to those assets is those who had bank accounts and to make them whole.

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