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The FDIC has taken control of the bank. In their last bond offering SVB lost 1.8bn$ from a 21bn$ sale. 8.5% seems like more than a haircut... and 8+% to get the money you need now is a steep cut that will result in larger consequences.

8% might seem like a stubbed toe, but these are _bonds_. You aren't suppose to lose anything. 8% inflation, 8% from bank failure and add-on the additional losses from non-bond related issues... S&P500 at 1% for the year but from mid-2021 it is down nearly 10%.

8% represents, what, a month of runway for most startups? That’s not an extinction level event, it’s a stubbed toe.

Huh? Bond prices fall in response to rising rates, and it’s pretty clear why. The mechanism is straightforward.

> but these are _bonds_. You aren't suppose to lose anything.

If you hold them to maturity. If you sell them early, not so much.

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