I want nothing more than to do any other line of work.
Honestly I feel more inspired to drive Uber than ever do another tech challenge or deal with another incompetent manager.
Fuck malicious compliance and the assholes who put you in that position.
I love programming, but the people and this industry is a whole other beast.
I have given 20+ years of my life trying to make a living for my family.
It has provided me an income but it came at a cost way more than I ever imagined.
I know I'm not alone in feeling this way.
I would like to start over, but I have no background or time left to start over with.
The idea of burning it all down just to start all over again is painful, but not as painful as it has been working in tech.
What success stories of leaving the tech industry can you all provide?
I guess for the ones who really got out they probably will never even see this.
I know if I had I would not be here reading any of this.
It's not the first time I am hearing this. "Driving Uber" could be plumbing, farming, woodworking, but gist the same. Here's the truth: six months of driving Uber ought to long you for the tech job back. Hell, I imagine even a few weeks is enough. The back pain, being on the road all the time, and having to work even when "you're not in the mood" is enough to make you realize that there's no better money than IT money.
This isn't to disagree with your complaints, but other jobs are arguably even worse—much, much worse. In fact, the best jobs are to be found in the IT world. You just have to try enough. You can try joining a small company that gives you more autonomy over your work. Or you can try joining NGO, if having a direct impact is your priority.
Or you can take a sabbatical to recharge. Focus on outdoorsy activities or hobbies that have made you happy in the past.
The root of the complaints is human tendency to think that there's a glimmering better world that's just waiting for you. There's none! This is life, and this is it.