i'm not a red state / far right / pro-trump in any sense of the word. however, i don't think it is very unreasonable to extrapolate bit and see the potential for societal harm.
over the past three years the entire world was impacted by a dire health crisis where misinformation played a large role in distorting public perception. this has direct impacts on public health (people not wearing masks, refusing vaccines) and has spillover effect into other parts of people's lives (political polarization around said issues).
what you see as a pretty cool toy could also easily be abused as a giant round the clock fake news generator. it doesn't matter if the text is true or even makes any sense... an alarming amount of people will take anything they read as fact without investigating the sources. this can be done as is with chatgpt right now. it has obscenity filters sure, but fake news is trying to pass as legitimate reporting, so it will probably be framed in a tone that escapes the obvious filters they have.
then consider the implications for robotexting, phishing, automated bots that pretend to be you to customer service chats, social media bots, messaging app scammers. all of these things are currently problems that can cause harm both personal and societal... and chatgpt will make it easier and cheaper to scale them up to new levels.
>misinformation played a large role in distorting public perception. this has direct impacts on public health (people not wearing masks, refusing vaccines)
I increasingly hear things that suggest that those who wore masks and got vaccinated were the ones who were actually misinformed. Of course, you won't hear any of that on CNN
> I increasingly hear things that suggest those who wore masks and got vaccinated were the ones who were actually misinformed
The only folks who were misinformed are those who never took the time to learn about masks and vaccinations. But to be fair that is a huge number of folks here in the U.S.
I've yet hear anyone talk about someone they infected who was killed by it though. With over 1.1 Million dead from it here in the U.S. that's astonishing. So is the fact that it is still killing around 2000+ a week here.
over the past three years the entire world was impacted by a dire health crisis where misinformation played a large role in distorting public perception. this has direct impacts on public health (people not wearing masks, refusing vaccines) and has spillover effect into other parts of people's lives (political polarization around said issues).
what you see as a pretty cool toy could also easily be abused as a giant round the clock fake news generator. it doesn't matter if the text is true or even makes any sense... an alarming amount of people will take anything they read as fact without investigating the sources. this can be done as is with chatgpt right now. it has obscenity filters sure, but fake news is trying to pass as legitimate reporting, so it will probably be framed in a tone that escapes the obvious filters they have.
then consider the implications for robotexting, phishing, automated bots that pretend to be you to customer service chats, social media bots, messaging app scammers. all of these things are currently problems that can cause harm both personal and societal... and chatgpt will make it easier and cheaper to scale them up to new levels.