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> Either you have a brain and can see how bad this way of thinking/designing is, or you don't have a brain.

Your description has further solidified OP's claim that this person is condescending and pretentious. This kind of thinking is extremely narrow and doesn't take any other factors into account (like having the means and lack of family responsibility to move wherever you want). It also implies that believing a dumb idea means you are a dumb person, which also isn't necessarily true and lacks any real insight.

> Your description has further solidified OP's claim that this person is condescending and pretentious.

It's not the GP's claim that "this person", Jason Slaughter, "is condescending and pretentious." Jason Slaughter has (IIRC) himself said that he makes videos with the tone of condescension on purpose.

Slaughter is tired of (in his view) the bullshit of trying to justify lifestyles and urban design choices that are killing people, bankrupting communities, and damaging the the planet. The specific tone is on purpose and a conscious choice in the scripting and creation of his videos. He wants change, and he seems to be (AFAICT) tired of 'being nice' and reasonable while policy barely moves forward.

(Whether the narration in the videos is a bit of 'character' he plays on Youtube to get his view/frustration across, or his actual personality, is something I do not know. I'll have to find the interview where he talks about this 'style'.)

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