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I'm a pretty tall guy, and I'm not sure if it is regulations forcing weird aerodynamics, but after a certain year it basically became impossible for me to be a regular driver of most cars.

The windshield meets the roof directly in the middle of my line of sight if I'm sitting up straight / not slouching or have the chair reclined to an absurd degree.

Some cars don't even allow the steering wheel and seat to be adjusted high enough for me to see the top portion of the speedometer without slouching, either.

The last time I owned a car (before my current truck) I think I tried something like 20 models, and there were only two that had a decent profile for me to sit in. Now, I do some light forestry work (hauling wood, removing diseased trees) and other things that make owning a truck useful, so I don't bother with a car anymore, and I don't really think I'd be too interested in one again unless I absolutely had to (keeping my fingers crossed my current beater truck lives long enough for me to afford a decent electric pickup).

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